
Close the environment circle – save on CO² emissions.

Crops: Forage crops absorb sunlight, water, O² and CO² as they grow in the field.

Livestock: Harvested crops are used as feed for livestock.

Organic Waste: Manure and other organic waste is collected from the livestock and fed into a biogas plant (Anaerobic Treatment).

Waste is collected 365 days a year, 24 hours a day and converted into biogas as a stable renewable energy source. Biogas is then used and combusted directly in a kiln, or converted into energy (electrical/ thermal/ cooling/ natural gas/ fuel).

Digestate is also collected. The valuable organic fertilizer is then applied on the surrounding fields with the ability to increase crop yield and provide for healthier food production while replacing the need for chemical fertilisers.

CO² absorption from the growing crops and emissions from biogas combustion save CO² in comparison to any other fossil energy.